Sustainable Tourism

Leave No Trace: Six Tips for Eco-Friendly Travel in Thailand

With the growing global green movements, sustainable development has become more than just a passing trend or an idealistic pursuit of environmental activists. We have all come to realize that it is possible for everyone to adopt sustainable practices in their daily routines, even while traveling the world. With its position at number nine on […]

admin tatnordic

July 15, 2024

Sustainable journey to Koh Mak

Between Koh Chang and Koh Kood, discover Koh Mak, a tranquil haven for eco-conscious travellers. This 16 sq. km island boasts pristine beaches, ranked among the world’s best, and remains largely untouched by tourism. In 2006, the British Sunday Times ranked the beaches of Koh Mak among the 10 best worldwide and recently won 2nd […]

admin tatnordic

June 19, 2024

Koh Mak, where going green is natural

There is something magical about waking up to chirping birdsong and the sun’s rays peeking through the curtains of a bungalow. One lives in the middle of and in perfect harmony with nature when on Koh Mak. Koh Mak is the small island between Koh Chang and Koh Kood in Trat province of Thailand.  This […]

admin tatnordic

March 5, 2024

Upptäck 4 hållbara destinationer i Thailand

Hållbara destinationer skapar meningsfulla reseupplevelser – och Thailand är en av de bästa platserna att besöka när det kommer till just det. Text: • 2023-09-12 Uppdaterad 2023-09-22 Under förra året listade Green Destinations Foundations en lista över de hundra mest hållbara destinationerna 2022. På listan fanns bland annat thailändska Koh Mak med, som är ett […]

admin tatnordic

September 29, 2023

Visit Thailand and Let’s Get Green Together!

“When life gets difficult, let’s go and experience Mother Nature’s healing power.” That piece of advice has withstood the test of time. But, if we are going to take advantage of nature’s curative properties, we should also make an effort to return the natural world to its former glory. Green tourism is a way to […]

admin tatnordic

September 24, 2023
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